heal naturally

Low Force Chiropractic Care & Holistic Health Services

you are in the right place!

Whether you are just beginning your health journey or have been working toward a goal for some time, Abel Chiropractic brings the best in low-force chiropractic care & holistic health services.

Meet Dr. Karly

We strive to empower families' health journeys by providing experienced care, transformative education & a space of intentional healing.

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How we help!

With advanced training in low-force, holistic healthcare techniques Abel Chiropractic is passionate about improving health & quality of life - naturally!

raving reviews

  • Dr. Karly has had such a positive impact on my well being and my daughter's overall health! My 9 year old was struggling with ongoing headaches and tummy aches. Dr. Karly made her feel comfortable, and with a few treatments- the aches disappeared! I was so happy with the process, I started making appointments for myself. We all look forward to our next appointment with Dr. Karly! We love her positive attitude and methods.

  • Extremely thorough, knowledgeable, and professional. Very enjoyable to work with!

  • So Grateful! Diagnosed with herniated discs and several visits to pain clinic to manage pain. Was not how I wanted to live. Was referred to Dr. Karly and my pain is GONE! Through some nutritional supplements the nerves are repairing and my quality of life has improved immeasurably! Thank you Abel Chiropractic!

  • I am blessed to have you as a primary source of healing on my wellness journey. Mentally, physically, and spiritually I feel enriched whenever I see you!!

  • Dr. Karly has guided me along my healing journey physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Her road map with my health care has been direct and comprehensive. I feel listened to and understood and that we are both working together towards the same goal of wellness and well being! I am so grateful to her and her knowledge, training and healing spirit!

  • Dr. Karly, her office, and staff are warm and inviting. I was experiencing a lot of pain in my body when I started treatments. Now I am virtually pain free and appreciate all the time and effort she as put into helping me heal. I am telling all of my friends about Dr. Karly!

  • I have finally found relief from migraines after suffering from them for over 40 years. I had explored numerous other options and Dr. Karly has been the one to finally make a difference. I'm so grateful for her expertise. I can't remember when I haven't had at least one migraine per month and it has been several weeks since I've had one.

  • I brought my son into Dr. Karly in hopes she could help with issues we have been seeing in school as well as behaviors at home. After her initial exam, she found many areas she could help us with. One of the most important was bed wetting! She has worked on many other areas as well that have improved his behavior and attitude. He always enjoys coming in to see her and feels good when he leaves. She is so good with children! I recommend her to everyone I come across!

  • I've had 2.5 months of acute exacerbation of asthma that was resistant to traditional treatments. I had been to the doctor, been given several rounds of oral steroids, antibiotics, steroid inhaler, neb treatments, and inhalers with no effective results. After 2 weeks of seeing Dr. Karly my asthma symptoms have totally resolved and I have not needed any further medications or inhalers.

  • I have suffered from numbness, tingling, & burning in my left arm, shoulder, and hand for almost 20 years. Dr. Abel was able to relieve that pain in a session & I have been pain free for almost a week- first week without pain I can remember!

  • I have dealt with digestive and stomach issues for a long, long time. I have tried everything possible to make these issues go away. In less than 3 months Dr. Karly has helped my digestive issues. I haven't felt this great in years! I would recommend Dr. Karly to everyone!

  • My experience with Dr. Karly Abel has been a true blessing. I came to Dr. Abel with some physical and emotional imbalances and with her exceptional knowledge, she came up with a protocol that I do and with positive results. It is truly a partnership we have. I respect her knowledge and the personal care I receive is above and beyond any care I have received from the medical and chiropractic community thus far. Dr. Abel gets my highest recommendation.

  • Daily I used to experience excruciating head and ear aches, but after being treated by Dr. Karly, I am pain free.

  • Dr. Karly was a lifesaver for us when our daughter had muscle spasms in her neck. Our daughter was able to receive a gentle adjustment & was back to her normal bubbly self that same afternoon! Highly recommend her!

  • I had severe hip pain start in October after running a 5k with my daughter. Other chiropractic treatment didn't help. In a few weeks Dr. Karly was able to diagnose me with stress syndrome and after 1 week of specialized treatment my hip pain is gone.

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